A Bookies Journal
Released on = July 31, 2006, 2:40 pm
Press Release Author = Tony Valeski
Industry =
Press Release Summary = This is how I start my business, with security and technology
Press Release Body = I am sitting at home.its about 15 min till game time..been a hell of a week.the book I have "business" with has already cost me 8 more of my best customers today.they just couldn't take it.and I'm on the verge of following them myself! I can't believe I am paying for this service. Just the week before last I lost yet another 12 of my players because of the books fault. Reasons.oh, please allow me to enlighten you: 1) Can't understand the clerks .is that English they are speaking? 2) Tired of getting their balances mixed up...What do you mean I'm down $1256?? Call my agent??" 3) This is a good one... "We offer the BEST Customer Service in the industry"..under what grounds?? The mayority of the players I've lost have dropped out on me for that one reason alone! My people have come to me again and again complaing how they are not being treated well.I guess the book is in it only for the price per head fee and gives a rats ass about what happens to the rest. 4) Ridiculous numbers on the games.that's when I found out that some of my players where getting Sharp lines for no reason.
These guys didn't respect the profile I placed my players under.they didn't respect me.or my players for that matter! And this was one of the Biggest Books out there.rated as the one of the top 10 books in the industry. I ask myself, " who rates these guys??"
And I know I am not the only one..There's plenty of us "Agents" around to complain about the same issues written here. But there is only so much you can do.. I mean honestly; I am a middle aged man in Chicago with a package of 89 players.no sharp players.all squares.recreational bettors I like to call them.and I am fighting against these Corporate Multi-Million dollar Monster Sportsbooks.theses guys will eventually run us Local Bookies out of Business. Sure.they take care of their OWN cash players..but what about OUR players.
Was I over? Was that the last of me? Do I throw in the towel?
That is what I though in 2005..This football season I wised up. I BECAME the wise guy. Your clients or players should never be a sportsbooks Reward. What is the solution?
As the sportsbook Call Center outsourcing industry grew.we saw more and more bettors come out into the open under the liberty of offshore legal gamming. The books came at them hard and strong and they still do every season. They have the finance, they have the staffing, the technology, the sportsbetting Software, the bonuses, the promotions, the marketing sharks, they have it all. We, on the other hand, have our players.. and if your lucky enough a couple of phone lines and a small software that works well enough to take in the action. But above all we have the relationship with our players. Lets face it.trust is what bettors are looking for now a days. Too many have been burned by books. So something that is far more important that the finance and the technology and all the nonsense that books throws at us left and right every season .is the relationship we have with our players.
This is one part of the Betting Industry that Off shore Books will not be able to attack. Now; the smart bettor is reluctant to be sending their money off shore.there simply is no trust in them. That's when they begin looking for us.the local guys again.
This season I have made $200,000 in profit. Believe it? I really don't care if you do or don't. But if you have read this far I know I have cought your attention and you are now asking yourself, How did he do it?
Simple. The answer is not in the Big Flashy book. We local bookies, or agents, are always going to rely on the services provided by Sportsbooks at one point or another. The trick to it is to stay away from the big flashy monster of a book. Why? Simple.their business is not Credit Customers. They are an all and out Cash or post up business. Their main income comes from that. Its not a news flash I'm giving you here, you know this. So this PPH (Price Per Head) proyect that these large books developed has two main objectives. 1) stomp the local guy out. 2) if we cant beat em, join em but while we do lets stomp the smaller credit sportsbooks and take in ALL the action.
Why then, said the small toadstool to the large tree, does the corprate magnate of a sportsbook with their thousands of cash customers and flashy marketing gigs, worry oh so much about the smaller Credit Based sportsbooks that outsources exclusively to Betting agents? Why are these smaller books posing a threat to them?
The answer to that, my little grasshopper, is simpler that you believe although I had to see it to believe it myself. I who has dealt with both the Monster Aglomorate sportsbook and the smaller conservative one. It is the TREATMENT that the players get. See.For a big book you are not bringing them any significant amount of income..you are just another one of the small pile to pick from. You and your players will always be to them as yet another account number. That is all. These books are for the sucker cash players who drool over the cash bonuses For the smaller conservative book however you are a Client and you and your players are treated with the respect and Profesionalism that you deserve. They acknowledge the work you have put into your players. And it is not that they are dying of hunger and in desprate need of your business.but they see you as an equal. You are another part of the industry which they know they will not be able to aquire. So instead of giving it a head on direct attack, they welcome it.as another oportunity for business. Bottom line.They respect the agent and they value the business they bring in no matter how big or large the number of players are. I found that in one of the sportsbooks I am doing business with. Not only do they offer a great deal with the price per head agent solution, but the quality of the staff they have is far more superb that that of any other I have ever dealt with. My players have stopped complaining. Some have returned and are happier than ever. I have increased the number of my package since I now have more time to look for new players. They have provided top quality offshore solutions for the bookmaking industry. Whether you are a local bookie like myself or bookmaker, you need better and more efficient tools to manage player accounts. And they have come forth with that. They provide my players with the quality Customer Service they deserve, full access to more than one toll free number to call in their plays (no more busy signals and players calling me up going half delusional cause they can't get in on a game). They provide me with the necessary reports to keep track on all my players. I have an exclusive toll free number to direct my inquaries. I looked around..I did my homework and found out that they where not the most expensive group.but man the service they deliver would make one belive they where! It is a Business.and they mean Business.
March 11th 2006 I sit back now and do a small head recount of what I came in with the begining of this season. I walked into PricePerHead.com with 89 players. I now have 221 players in this package alone. My profit stands at roughly $200,000 for this season. I got the complete picture of exactly what I needed to do to make a lot of money, keep and increase my business. They told me I had a big edge and that it would happen and it DID! Now I feel that I am in this business for the profits and not for the hassle of it.
Web Site = http://www.priceperhead.com/
Contact Details = Tony Valeski tonyvaleski@yahoo.com White Plains, New York
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